Thursday, January 3, 2013

Take the Time to Count Your Blessings

As I was taking JayJay for his daily walk today I was simply amazed at all the beauty that is just outside my door.  Each day he gets downright abnoxious and literally "in my face" until I put on the walking gear...consisting of an old lavender coat, hat with scarf, mittens and 3 dog treats in my pockets.  He gets excited about the simple things in life, like going for his daily 3 mile walk, getting to ride in the car with Cary to town or the dump, and waiting for the treat lady to show up with doggie treats for every dog along Shepherd Road.  I would hate to see her Costco bill each month just with the amount of dog treats but every dog loves her.
Anyways, our walk was quite brisk this morning as we clipped along with the weather being a balmy 24 degrees.  No lingering or you may freeze in the spot.  JayJay's whiskers were frozen.  However, the fields were magnificent with the ice twinkling, the snow made everything look so peaceful and the blue sky made the snow covered mountains look like something out of a fairytale. 
I hate to say it but I did not have my camera with me and did not capture this beautiful scene, (these were taken a few weeks ago)  but I spent alot of time just appreciating each and every thing that nature was offering as I strolled along.  Sometimes we do not take the time to appreciate or thank God for all the blessings He so abundantly gives us on a day to day basis.  But today I thanked Him for allowing us to live in an area that has many times been referred to a "little slice of heaven".  However, with that thought I was caught off guard that I never think of winter in heaven.  I guess because I love sunshine, hot days and palm trees....along the ocean, I have been thinking that heaven is going to be more like that.  Who knows, maybe the ski bums will live in an area with lots of mountains and snow, while I spend eternity on the beach under a palm tree.  It was kind of fun to think about anyway.